Joseph Campbell: religion or mythology. Inspired by Carl Jung.
Joseph Campbell: religion or mythology. Inspired by Carl Jung.
New Twist: John the Baptist- a good- hearted con man?
Cover Photo, Brett Hondow, Pixabay Below photo courtesy, Religious News Service
world faiths on this Easter weekend 2022
Hostage taker was shot and killed by police. Investigation continues.
One area of human thought that lags behind in creativity and originality is an area we might call “the sciences of the divine”. While humanity has charged ahead with dramatic innovations in such fields as the arts, weapons technology, space travel, genetics, artificial intelligence, robotics, and nanotechnology; studies in religion have remained mired in the past...that is, until now. In fact, we could say that a new and very different global religion is emerging.
By Robert Wright Hamilton continued, in his British accent, "I could enlarge on that in terms of the…